
Callahan Name History

Callahan Irish Coat of Armscallahan-coat-of-arms-large2.jpg

Callahan is a well-known Irish surname. The Callahan name means descendent of Ceallachán. He was the Eóganachta King of Munster from AD 935 until 954. The personal name Cellach means 'bright-headed.' These Irish counties claim Callahans: Armagh, Louth, Meath, and Monaghan.

Spelling variations of Callahan

Variant spellings of the Irish surname Callahan include: Callaghan, Calahan, O'Callahan, O'Callaghan, Kalahan, Kallaghan, Kallahan, O'Kallaghan, Kellaghan, Kelleghan, Kellahan, Kelahan, Ceilahan, Ceilaghan, Callachan, Calachan, Callagan, Calagan, Kelagan, Keelaghan, Kealahan, Kelaghan, Callighan, and others.

The Callahan family crest and coat of arms

The Callahan coat of arms features a green field with a stand of trees, with a wolf emerging. For detailed Callahan name history information, our Framed Irish Family Name History (#1760) has more information on the Callahan family origins and surname.

The Irish Rose has a large selection of Callahan coat of arms items. Items featuring the Irish counties connected to the Callahans include Irish County mugs and Irish county coat of arms flags.

Find the Callahan name in Ireland

Stay at the lovely O'Callaghan Stephen's Green Hotel in Dublin to celebrate the Callahan name and family.

If you can't visit in person, our personalized pub gifts are the next best thing!

Notable people named Callahan

In the United States Armed Forces

In sports

In politics

In music

In show business


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