
O'Donnell Name History

O'Donnell Coat of Arms


O'Donnell (Irish: Ó Dónaill or Ó Domhnaill) is derived from the forename Domhnall (meaning "world ruler"). The O'Donnells were an ancient and powerful Irish family, kings, princes, and lords of Tír Chonaill (rendered in English as Tyrconnell or Tyrconnel, known today as County Donegal) in early times, and the chief allies and sometimes rivals of the O'Neills in Ulster.

The O'Donnell motto is "In Hoc Signo Vinces" which means "Victorious with the Sign of the Cross."

Variant spellings of the Irish surname O'Donnell include O'Donald, O'Donle, O'Donall, and others.

How to find out more about the O'Donnell family crest

We are proud to offer two items that may shed more light on the O'Donnell family coat of arms and history in Ireland. Our Framed Irish Family Name History (#1760) and Framed Irish Coat of Arms & Family History (#1700) provide more details about the O'Donnell family in Ireland. These beautiful framed documents will be treasured in the O'Donnell family for years to come.

Find other O'Donnell coat of arms products on the Irish Coat of Arms page.

The O'Donnell pubs in Ireland

We found a number of pubs that bear the O'Donnell family name in Ireland. Don't forget to visit the next time you go.

If you can't visit in person, our personalized pub gifts are the next best thing!

Notable people named O'Donnell


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