
Healy Name History

Healy Irish Name History


The English-language surname Healy is in used by three separate ancestral lines of people from Ireland.

When Irish people began to anglicise their names, two separate clans adopted the English-language surname of "Healy". There was the Ó hÉilidhe clan from Connaught and the Ó hÉalaighthe clan from Munster.

Many different spellings of the surname exist including Haly, Haley, Haily, Healey, Hely, O'Healey, and O'Haly.

Learn more about the Healy family

The Framed Irish Family Name History, (#1760) has more information on the Healy surname. There is a wide selection of Healy coat of arms products at The Irish Rose. Please visit the Irish Coat of Arms page.

Is there a Healy Pub in Ireland?

There is a Healy Pub in Ireland. If you go, visit Phil Healy's Pub, Wicklow Town, in County Wicklow.

If you can't visit in person, our personalized Healy pub gifts are the next best thing!

Notable people named Healy

Click here to shop for Irish coat of arms gifts



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